Thanks to the advancement in the technological world, the online marketing space has gained a major boost. If you are a web marketer or you own an e-commerce website, you should be aware of the evolution in the field. Understanding the new trends will help you catch up with the evolution and also stay ahead of your competitors.
That said, web analytics has played a huge role in the e-commerce field. How much do you know about the analytic tools and services? Here is a quick guide to help you understand it more:
Relevance of Analytics on Your E-commerce Website
Analytics tools help your business in many ways, and here are some of the benefits you will enjoy when you apply analytics tools and services on your e-commerce website:
- You will be safe from possible fraud. Analytics identifies any fraud because it can detect the customer behavior patterns. This will warn you if there is an unusual transaction.
- It predicts the future trends. Analytics will determine any future trend that is related to your specific niche. You will learn about the transaction sizes, product categories, as well as the season when sales would pick.
- You can personalize the shopping experience of the customer. Every customer is unique with their shopping behaviors. Analytics allow you to study the behavior of the customers and determine how to structure the site based on their preferences.
- It strengthens the bond with your clients. Since you’ll know the client’s behaviors, you will know them better and give them what they want or expect. This then helps to strengthen your relationship with them.
Analytics tools and services are useful if you want to perform well for your online business. That is why it is recommended to integrate these tools into your e-commerce website.
Best Analytics Tools and Services for Your Commerce Website
Now that you know the benefits of installing analytics tools on your e-commerce site, it is important to know about the leading tools that will work well for your website.
Here are the top analytics tools and services to consider:
1. Google Analytics – This is supposedly the leading analytics tool any e-commerce website can install. It is free and offers a lot to your online platform. Luckily, you can use this tool along with other analytic tools.
Google Analytics also has a premium service that is mostly used by the Enterprise clients. Nonetheless, the free version still has some amazing features you can use on your website.
There are many reasons for choosing Google Analytics, and here are some of them;
- It helps you to identify the most effective campaigns
- You can track conversions on your e-commerce platform
- It helps you identify the worst performing and top-performing pages on your website
- You can track the marketing campaigns using the custom URL parameters.
- The tool helps you to leverage the geographic data, including the demographics
Google Analytics can help you compare the incoming data from other platforms that you apply on your website. Also, you can set customized event goals, activity, and conversions that allow you to see the shopping behaviors of the customers.
2. Adobe Analytics – This is yet another common analytics tool you can find out there. It is a major rival of Google Analytics, and it has multiple features that will help your e-commerce website perform efficiently.
One major drawback of Adobe Analytics is that it is costly, and the price will grow as your website grows. Typically, you will pay more for the tool as your website gets more visitors. Luckily, your website will have an enterprise-level functionality. If your e-commerce store is on a start-up level, this tool might not be the perfect choice for you.
Here are the benefits of Adobe Analytics:
- It offers real-time data as well as reporting
- It offers real-time data as well as reporting
- You can add more functionality to your website, including social media analytics.
- It comes with mobile app analytics
- There is an improved segmentation proficiency
Other than the pricing, Adobe Analytics is a great tool that will enhance your website’s performance.
3. RJMetrics – This is an analytics solution that offers a SaaS business intelligence platform. For that, you will have analytic and marketing tools all at once. This will help you make the right decisions based on the data of the website.
This tool will help you identify the channels that stream in the maximum Return On Investment. You’ll also understand the customers’ behavior better, and realize the least and most profitable segments on your website.
Why should you choose RJMetrics?
- It offers data visualization in real-time
- It reports the customer behavior
- It comes with pre-installed analytics packages that will be useful to perform the regular e-commerce tasks
- You will identify the channels that stream in the highest and lowest ROI.
- You can integrate this analytics tool with other third-party platforms, such as Shopify and Magento.
4. Piwik – This is an open-source analytics tool that would be a great alternative to the popular Google Analytics. They are almost similar in their set of features. Also, it offers extra functionalities that will help you get ideas on your website to increase the performance. You also get to measure the performance against your goals to see if you are making any profits or progress.
Why should you choose Piwik?
- You can track a lot of elements on your e-commerce website, including cart update, products, category page view, as well as orders.
- It can be easily integrated with third-party platforms
- It offers advanced reporting functions on your website
- It is user-friendly
This tool is a great choice if you need a quick and free analytic tool that is also easy to use. It has plenty of functionalities that are relevant to e-commerce websites.
5. Kissmetrics – This tool is also popular, and it has some incredible features for building interpretation funnels. Kissmetrics offers some useful insights into the behavior of the customers, and it can also update you on the tendencies and trends.
Here are the benefits of Kissmetrics:
- It tracks information in real-time
- You can integrate it with other third-party platforms
- It comes with a search feature that has action histories and detailed user profiles
If you choose this tool, you should expect to pay anywhere around $120 a month.
Analytics tools are great to have on your e-commerce website. Nonetheless, you don’t have to choose every tool or service available. Determine what you want, including your website goals and expectations before you decide to choose any analytics tool. Choose a tool that will help your website grow and perform well.